Tuesday, 18 October 2016

31 Days of Pink

Hey Guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. Things have been kind of crazy lately!

Today I want to explain why I am doing 31 days of pink on Instagram. 
I took up this "challenge" to wear a something pink everyday for the month of October. 

I did this for my mother, who happens to be a breast cancer survivor, and for many others who have battled or are battling breast cancer. (If you didn't know October is breast cancer awareness month.) 

I know that October is almost over but I think it would be really neat if you participated in the 31 days of pink "challenge" to help support those who are fighting or those who have fought a battle with breast cancer. 

If you want to do this great! I have been posting all of my pictures on Instagram but if you want to post them on Facebook or Twitter go ahead. I don't think that the 31 days of pink is just for Instagram. 

If you do post on Twitter or Instagram tag me!

Thanks for reading!
I hope you have a great day!

(I put quotations around challenge because I don't think it should be very challenging to wear something pink. You could do something as simple as paint your nails pink for the rest of the month to show support.)

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

A Tea Adventure!

Hey Guys!!

I recently told a coworker that I love tea and she asked if I have ever been to a place called Dragonfly Tea. I told her I had never heard of it so last Wednesday I went with a her and her brother to the tea shop.

When you walk into the tea area this is what you will see. (The owner has a section where she sells tea and the other area is used for massages.) She offers a tea of the day everyday and Wednesday the tea was a blackberry tea. You can try it in a sample cup or you can buy a cup.

 She has many different types of teas, tea pots, jars, and containers. I bought three different types of tea and I bought a tea holder. 

The teas that I bought are... 

Wild Berry Green tea. I can't wait to try this one. Its smells really good!

The second tea that I bought is Chai. I have drank this one and I highly recommend it. I wish I had bought a bigger container. I'll just have to go back and buy more.

The last tea that I bought is Pumpkin Spice. This tea is great! I got 1-2 brews out of a strainer full of the tea ingredients. 

Here is the tea holder that I bought.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that the owner has a book of all of the teas that she sells. In the book it explains how a certain type of tea can help you and it has the ingredients listed for people with allergies. 
I will definitely be returning to this place for more tea. Let me know down below what your favorite tea is.
Thank you for reading.
I hope you have a good day!


Hello everyone, I know that I have not posted in a while and I am sorry. I fell into a rut about what I wanted to write about on here. I...