Tuesday, 20 September 2016

I Never Book Tag

Hey guys!

First off I want to say sorry. I haven’t been very good at publishing blog posts regularly. 

Today I thought I could do a book tag. I saw the ‘I never book tag’ on Bree Hill’s YouTubeChannel.  

(The creator of this tag is Lizziefayelovesbooks on YouTube)

I Have Never Book Tag:

1. I have never read that. A book/series you haven’t read.

For this question I have several answers but if I were to narrow it down to one it would be the Harry Potter Series. I want to read this series so bad but I want to have all of the books before I start the series.
2. I have never read anything so awesome. Name your favorite book.

I don’t know if I can name just one. I have many favorites such as The Great Gatsby, Golden Boy, The Fault In Our Stars, etc.

3. I never thought I would get through it. Name a book you didn’t think you would make it through but you did anyway.

This is another one that I have several answers for. The two books that I immediately think of are A Wrinkle In Time and The Giver. I had to read these both of these in middle school and this was before I got in to reading outside what was required for school. Reading these books was torture for me. 

4. I will never finish that. Name a book or series you won't/didn't finish.

I know that I have read a few books before that I had to put down because I couldn't get through them but I can't remember what the name of the books are.

5. I will never regret reading that. Name a book that you read solely on a recommendation that you ended up really liking.

For this one I would have to say The Book thief. A friend of mine recommended this book to me and this book made me fall in love with World War II fiction. I had read books about World War II before I read The Book Thief but after reading this book I fell in love. I started buying any book that said it had anything to do with World War II.

6. I would never do that. Name a book character that did things that you didn’t agree with or you would never do.

Something that I would never do is break into a house and steal a book. I think, if I remember correctly, that in The Book Thief Liesel broke into someone’s house to get a book.

7. I would never admit to reading that. Name a book that you were embarrassed to say you read or carried around with you.

I don’t think that I have ever been embarrassed to carry around or read a book. But if I were to give an answer I would probably have to say Breakable or Easy. These book covers look like your typical romance covers and I don't like them.

8. I have never read anything so heartwarming. Name a book or series that really touched your heart.

I read Golden Boy this year and I have not been able to let this book go. It is one book that wanted to read again right after I finished it. 

9. I have never laughed so hard. Name a book that made you laugh out loud.

Yes Please is the first book that I think of that made me laugh out loud. I would be out walking, listening to this book, and bust out laughing at this book. I highly recommend that you listen to this book. 

10. I never could have made it through childhood without it. Name a favorite childhood book or series.  

Goosebumps and R.L. Stine books are the two book series that I remember reading throughout my childhood years. I loved them.

Thanks for reading!
I hope next week I will have a review or something up for you. 
Write your answers to this tag down 
I hope you have a good evening!

Thursday, 8 September 2016

One Year!

Hello everyone!!!
Today is a very special day! Today is the blogs one year anniversary. (I actually think that the anniversary was yesterday but I cannot remember. I just know that I started my blog right after labor day last year.) My first post was about my first time at the beach. I might put some of those pictures in a post later because the post is no longer up on here. The first post that is on my blog that you can read is a book review about Amy and Rogers Epic Detour by Morgan Matson, which was published on this day last year. Here is the link if you are interested in reading my thoughts. There isn't much to the review. Sorry.

Today like I said is a day of celebration and I want to say first of all, thank you to all the people that read this blog. I started this blog last year so I could talk about things that I love and it means a lot that there are people that want to read the posts I publish.

(I didn't want a cupcake so I got one of those angel food cake bowls. I put blueberries and whipped cream on top.)

As a way to celebrate my one year I want to do something different. I want to tell you a little bit about me. If you guys have read my about me page you will know that I am a 20 year old college student but you don't really know much more than that. So I thought that I could tell you twelve things about me. (Twelve because I have been blogging for twelve months. These will be book and non book related.)

1. I will read anything and everything. 
You guys probably only see that I read YA but I love books from every genre. I want to try and branch out more. If you have any good book suggestions let me know. 

2. Action movies all the way!
If I was given the choice between a romance movie or an action movie, I am watching the action packed movie. I love them! Bring on Jason Bourne, Mission Impossible, Inception, Captain America, etc. 

3. Until the 6th grade I hated reading.
The idea of reading to me before the 6th grade was torture. I know that this is a very well known response but when people ask what got me into reading I say Twilight. I didn't even want to read Twilight but my mom convinced my grandmother to read the series. Then they were talking about it and I thought I would give it a try. 

4. Coffee or Tea?
Coffee all the way but I have to put stuff in it. I CANNOT/WILL NOT drink black coffee. I think that black coffee is disgusting. If you haven't tried it, put some hot chocolate mix in your coffee. It's very good!

5. Hardback or Paperback?
This depends...I love reading a paperback because they are more portable and flimsy. I like hardback books because they tend to stay in good condition a lot longer than a paperback.

6. Favorite thing about college?
The freedom! I love that I can pick what classes I take and when I take them. I love that I don't have to sit in school for eight hours a day like I did from kindergarten through high school.

7. Favorite color?
I tried to keep the b.s. questions out of this but I think that this answer is kind of funny. My favorite color I think would be grey. My mother would laugh at me right now if she knew that I said my favorite color is grey. I always make fun of her because she painted her entire house grey! There are three rooms in her house that are not grey and those rooms are my siblings bedrooms but the rest of her house is grey! 

8. Favorite thing to do when I am not writing a post or reading or watching TV?
I love spending time with my siblings. My older sibling is almost twenty-five and the youngest is ten. I love going to their volleyball games, basketball games, football games, etc. My family is a really big part of my life.

9. Favorite posts to write?
I have loved writing all post I have written so far because I write about things that I love but if I had to choose it might be about TV shows that I love. Growing up my family did not like when I talked about what shows or books that I liked. I annoyed them because I would constantly talk about them. 

10. Travel destinations?
My dream is to travel. I envy people like Fun For Louis and Raya Was Here because they can travel for a living. I don't have any specific places, well maybe Ireland, that I am dying to go to. I just want to see as many places as possible.

11. Main goal in life?
This response may sound cliche but my main goal in life is to help people.

12. Favorite thing about blogging?
This is a two part answer for me. I love writing/brainstorming posts and I love talking to people. I know that I don't talk to a lot of people on here now but just knowing that people are out there reading what I am writing is nice. I am not mad that people are not commenting on here because it took me a while to comment on peoples posts even though I was reading what they wrote. That is why I always leave a question in my posts or something saying give me suggestions because I want to encourage conversation. I want to get to know the readers of Plethora Of Nonsense.

If you want to know more about me ask me your questions in the comments. Also let me know what are your favorite posts to read/watch. They can be posts I have written or posts from your favorite bloggers or vloggers. Or if you want, let me know a little bit about you. Answer the questions I answered in todays post in the comments!

Thank you for coming back every week to read what I publish!
I hope you have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

TV Shows I am anticipating

I have three things that I love to do. I love to read, I love to watch TV Shows/movies, and I love to talk with people about about books and TV. 

Today I am going to be talking about the shows that I am looking forward to this year. Some of these might currently be on air and some might be coming back to TV. 

These are in no particular order even though they are numbered.

1. Scream Queens-September 20, 2016
I started this show last year and was hooked. Scream Queens is like a guilty pleasure. The show is sarcastic and predictable and that is why I love it. 

2. Beauty and the Best-June 2, 2016
I had no idea that this show was still on TV. I watched the first two seasons and then I thought it got cancelled. Well I was wrong. I just found out yesterday that season 4, which is the current season, is going to be the last season. :( I really like this show. I just started catching up yesterday. I watched the first episode of the fourth season. The CW does not have all of the episodes of the fourth season, which is sad. 

3. Arrow- October 5, 2016
Arrow will always be a show I watch. I might end up watching it at the end of the season but I will for sure be watching this show. I absolutely love Arrow. Its action packed and amazing.

4. Too Close To Home- August 22, 2016
I have watched some episodes of this show. I am not sure what to think about it. I want to wait and see how the first season goes before I pass any judgement.

5. American Horror Story- September 14, 2016
I started watching this show when I was watching Scream Queens. I heard that this season is supposed to scare you to death. So I am going to be watching this during the day time when people are home with me. 

6. Jane the Virgin- October 17, 2016
Along with Beauty and The Beast I caught up and found out about this show yesterday. I really enjoy this show. The only reason I stopped watching it is because every time I would try to watch it online the screen would freeze. This was my fault for sitting in the room with the worst internet signal. 
But I caught up yesterday and I am ready to watch the new season. #TeamRafael

7. Blindspot- September 14, 2016
This is one show that I am completely pumped for. This is the show that I think that I will watch no matter what. This show hooked me last year and I need answers!

Okay I think that is all for today. I probably forgot a show or two. If I did I will mention it later.
Let me know down below what shows you are excited for!
Thanks for reading.
I hope you have a great day!


Hello everyone, I know that I have not posted in a while and I am sorry. I fell into a rut about what I wanted to write about on here. I...