Hello everyone!!!
This past week, July 3-9, was the Biannual Bibliothon. For those of you who do not know what the Biannual Bibliothon is, it is a read-a-thon with challenges to complete during the week.
I decided last minute that I wanted to participate in this read-a-thon so that is why I did not make a blog post about what I planned to read but I did post on
There were seven challenges for the summer Biannual Bibliothon and here they are along with the books that complete the challenges.
1 Read the group book-The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson
2 & 3 Read a book you have been putting of // a free choice- All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
4 Read a book off of the hosts list of recommendations-Abarat by Clive Barker
5 Read a book with your favorite mythical creature- Mystic City by Theo Lawrence
6 & 7 Read a book from an author you have never read before // read a book in a different format than you usually do- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
I am listening to this book.
I did not end up reading all the books that I planned to. The last three days of the read-a-thon I had planned on cramming in as much reading as possible but I had a change of plans last minute. A family member needed someone to watch her animals so I volunteered.
During this last week I only completed two books which stinks. The two books that I completed were The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson.
The first book that I complete was The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo. I listened to this as an audiobook which is something I hardly ever do. I have listened to one other audiobook in my life. Listening to a book is not something I normally do because usually half way through the book I end up forgetting what I listened to. I space out when I listen to audiobooks.
When I was listening to this book I wasn't spacing out. I was actually enjoying what I was listening to. I gave this book a 3 stars on Goodreads.
The reason that I gave this book three stars was because it
was repetitive and I did not like the idea of talking to your
furniture, home, or clothes. Talking to objects is strange thing to do but
I understood why she does/says to do this and that is because it gives/shows
that every item has a purpose.
After finishing this book I wanted to clean the entire
house. If I had not already gone through my items and discarded what I didn’t
want I would have done so after listening this book.
The next and last book that I completed during this read-a-thon was The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson.
I have some conflicting thoughts about this book. I am still trying to decide if I should stick with what I rated this book or to change the rating. I rated this book a 4 stars on Goodreads.
I will keep this spoiler free.
The Unexpected Everything is about how Andie's plans for the summer change at the last minute. She had planned on going to a med camp over the summer but a political scandal involving father, who is a congressman, causes her plans to change. Instead of going to med camp Andie gets a job as a dog walker and meets a boy.
I want to talk about what I did not like about the book first.
1. I found some parts of the plot predictable.
2. I did not like Toby's. There is an issue at the end of the book between Toby and Bri (who are best friends) and Toby lets that issue ruin their friendship. I have never been in a situation like that so maybe I have no room to talk but if that happened to me I don't think that I would have acted like Toby did.
3. There were also times where Andie annoyed me. She tries to control everything in the hope that if everything is controlled nothing will go wrong. Well things went wrong...
I want to end on a happy note so here are the parts that I liked.
1. The scavenger hunt. This was my favorite part in the book.
2. The friendships. I loved all the group texts and meet ups at the diner.
3. The romantic relationships.
4. There is one quote in this book that I loved:
It says "'You have to take your chances. Go and attempt and see what happens. And even if you fail-especially if you fail-come back with your experience and your hard-won knowledge and a story you can tell. And then later you can say, without regret or hesitation....'Once, I dared to dare greatly.'"
I love this quote. I think that this quote encompasses the entire theme of this novel.
So I completed two books and three of the challenges, which I don't think is to bad. If you have read these two books let me know your thoughts or if you have read any of the books mentioned in this post let me know your thoughts! (Please no spoilers.)
Thank you for reading.
I hope you have a great day.
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